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Our Team
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Tools Innovation


Creator of climate risk assessment and adaptation tools such as the Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) instrument and the Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation (AMME) Framework. Karl is the lead focus on the substantive aspects of adaptation science and practice and oversees CAW's capacities to build new services and products.

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Managing Director 

Business Development

Corporate Sustainability and Adaptation Metrics lead. Leila manages the team's capacity to bring critical adaptation solutions to clients and deploy our expertise. She is responsible for facilitating partnerships for delivering projects and research.


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Sectoral & Methodology


Linus focuses on translating the results of technical analysis and modeling to help clients understand  the impacts of climate change on their business and infrastructure. Co-leads on developing tools for Data Analytics Procurement and Monitoring and Evaluation applications. Co-developer of the climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™). 

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Granquist, PhD


Leads research design, reporting, and evaluation. Collaborates with our partners and clients to achieve rigorous methods and effective program outcomes. She works with our quantified tools and instruments team to customize design and implementation elements. Community and nature-based solutions, and inclusion and equity measures are of special interest.     

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Adaptation Quantification 

Creator of the Adaptation Strategy Valuation (ASV™)  tool and co-developer of the climate Vulnerability Reduction Credit (VRC™) instrument. Experienced valuation practitioner, responsible for evaluating climate adaptation investment projects from vulnerability assessment to valuation and evaluation. Roland leads CAW' quantitative tools' development initiatives.

"Our team is here to help you understand the inter-linkages between climate impacts and adaptations to identify opportunities and strategies to thrive in a climate impacted world"
Karl Schultz

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