Adapting to climate change allows corporations to convert climate change risks into competitive advantages.
Adaptation Strategy Valuation TM
Physical climate risks are widely acknowledged to be among the most disruptive to organizations. While widely discussed and partially, qualitatively addressed in ESG strategies, a solid quantification of the impacts on the bottom line remains to be applied.
Quantifying risks, uncertainties, impacts and costs is necessary to prioritizing risks and adaptation actions

What we do
Adaptation Strategy Valuation provides a financial quantification of physical climate risks' impacts and corresponding adaptation investments. ASV uses state-of-art analytical methods and expert judgements on impacts and adaptation effects.
Why consider ASV?
Gain insights towards a competitive and sustainable future
Understand and quantify the impacts on your assets and their value over time
Anticipate with greater confidence the climate risk uncertainties and how to adapt to keep meeting your corporate goals.
Inform decision makers about risk assessments & benchmarking
Quantify climate losses and adaptations for climate disclosures, planning, and strategy
Valuation of your company or project under different scenarios and strategies

Adaptation Strategy Valuation is a powerful tool for investment decision-making, allocating decisions, and climate change vulnerability and adaptation planning. ASV also supports a better-informed articulation of your risk and value allocation in investment decisions, including decisions made between different parties in collective adaptation investments, such as public-private partnerships in which the respective parties hold different fiduciary and social responsibilities.
